Monday, October 29, 2012

Digital Nation

One significant idea of the movie Digital Nation is Living Faster. The internet has changed so much since its been created. Our generation says that it makes it easier for us to multitask but in reality it makes our response time and accuracy slower and makes us more distracted. As i am sitting in my class right now i am listening to my teacher talk and writing this blog but the more i think about it, i couldn't tell you what the teacher said 5 minutes ago because im not concentrating on him as much as im concentrating on writing this blog post. They say the internet is changing the human mind because now supposedly we have an inability to communicate. Kids can do almost anything on the internet because its like they have the 'technology skill' built into their genes at birth. My sister who is 12 years old can do more things on the internet and computer then i can, which is honestly mind blowing to me. I think i am pretty fluent in technology but she can do so much more then i can. Another significant idea has to do with the war. They say the military is blurring the line between real life and virtual reality but I dont think that true at all. Majority of people know the difference between real life war and playing a video game of war. Kids/Teenagers have the ability to move between reality and virtual reality, its just a element of imagination. Some people want to argue that if it looks real and feels real then the brain will think its real. The last significant idea that i have picked is learning. These days its normal for kids to have their own laptop in the school setting. Schools are changing to a 1:1 Laptop Initiative, which means each student would get their own laptop to use as an educational tool. Kids know what is expected of them and how they are expected to act. Technology today is like oxygen to kids, they cant live without the internet. Violence is down but attendance and test scores are up. People cant deny technology, they have to embrace it. If they dont keep up with technology even a little bit, they will fall behind completely.

Monday, October 1, 2012

This week we watched Football High and it was about how high school football is getting so intense that players still will play even if they are hurt. This leads to the example "you gotta play hurt." In the whole video it showed how players play even though they are hurt (head concussion, heat stroke.) One player who ran off the field after getting hurt yelling to his athletic trainer that he was fine and wanted to play even though he had a concussion. "Fight on to victory" is another example because football players will play till the end as hard as they can because they simply dont want to lose. “The enemy is inferior; so learn how to exploit their weaknesses.” When the other team notices that a players leg is hurt for example, they are going to make sure they keep hurting that same leg over and over again.